UNDIVIDE US Film Screening + Filmmaker Q&A

We proudly hosted a thought-provoking film screening that stirred both hearts and minds. "UNDIVIDE US," a compelling documentary directed by filmmaker Kristi Kendall and produced by Carrie Conko, delved into the heart of America's divisive political landscape. Following the screening, a lively audience Q&A session with Kendall and Conko illuminated the film's themes and provided insights into the challenges and opportunities for fostering unity in our nation.

In today's polarized climate, where political factions and media outlets amplify discord, "UNDIVIDE US" serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of civil discourse and civic engagement. The film resonates as a timely call to action, urging viewers to reclaim the essence of democracy through open dialogue, empathy, and collective responsibility. By spotlighting the erosion of shared values and the fracturing of social bonds, "UNDIVIDE US" challenges us to confront the forces that threaten to tear our nation apart.

To learn more about the film and its powerful message, visit undivideusmovie.com.

Kristi Kendall: With a career spanning over two decades, Kristi Kendall has established herself as a visionary in content production and storytelling. Her expertise lies in leveraging the power of narrative to unite disparate voices and catalyze meaningful change. Through her work, Kendall has brought together diverse stakeholders, crafting compelling narratives that resonate across platforms and audiences. As the president of Kristi Kendall and Co., she continues to shape public opinion and spark dialogue on pressing societal issues.

Carrie Conko: Carrie Conko, the producer of "UNDIVIDE US," brings a wealth of experience in strategic guidance and communications. In addition to her role in the film, Conko serves as the Senior Vice President of State Policy Network, an organization dedicated to fostering free-market solutions and independent thought. Her commitment to building bridges and amplifying voices within the network underscores her dedication to advancing constructive dialogue and collaborative solutions.

The screening of "UNDIVIDE US" served as a catalyst for introspection and dialogue within the District216 community. As audience members engaged in a spirited exchange with Kendall and Conko during the Q&A session, themes of unity, empathy, and the power of storytelling emerged as central tenets of the film's message. Participants were inspired to consider their role in bridging divides and championing inclusive discourse in their own communities.

In a time marked by polarization and discord, "UNDIVIDE US" offers a beacon of hope and a roadmap for collective action. Through its compelling storytelling and impassioned advocacy for unity, the film challenges us to transcend partisan divides and embrace our shared humanity. As we continue to navigate the complexities of our political landscape, let us heed the call of "UNDIVIDE US" and strive to build a more inclusive and empathetic society.

We invite you to join us in continuing the conversation sparked by "UNDIVIDE US." Share your thoughts, insights, and experiences on social media using the hashtag #UNDIVIDEUS. Together, let us amplify the voices of unity and champion a future where dialogue triumphs over division.

Thank you to all who attended the screening and contributed to this enriching discussion. Let us carry forward the spirit of "UNDIVIDE US" as we work towards a brighter and more united tomorrow.


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